A review by pawlugrech
Known and Strange Things by Teju Cole


A book that, probably, I would not have read had I not spotted it in the public library but am now incredibly glad that I did such is the emotive power of the writing. This is a collection of essays by Cole that revolve around a number of themes - namely politics, photography, writing and places - that avoids the familiar downfalls of such books that can be boring or repetitive. Known and Strange Things is never the former and only rarely the latter. Instead Cole manages to write with a richness of thought and knowledge on various aspects that is often humbling; how can one individual have such a deep understanding and the ability to call up as deep a reference pool as he does? And how can he imbue into each essay such power that one often has to put down the book to let the author's thoughts and comments sink in?

This is a book with real power; of thought, conviction and expression. It is also a book that deserves to be kept in one's library to provide a reference and be re-read so as to fully appreciate its quality.