A review by jamiesbookaddiction
Fragile Longing by Cora Reilly


Ok so here's the thing...I knew this book was going to be bad before I read it. The premise was already there in Bound by The Past and Twisted Pride. And guess what...it was awful!

This entire freaking book was Sofia being a whiny, cry baby, you want my sister, immature little girl. Seriously, she was a little girl. Who in the hell wants to read a MAFIA book with a whiny female. The first 50% of this book was her trying to be her sister and pining for this guy that wants her sister...blah blah. Let's not forget, we've already read the first 25% of this book in two other books (note the third time, yeah, it's too much).

We get Danilo crying about Remo and his revenge and Serafina...whine, whine. Seriously, how are we supposed to look at this guy as a mature underboss? LOL, oh, that's right, WE CAN'T!!!

Even at 95%, Danilo says "what about what I want?" and Sofia thanks it's her sister. OMG!!

I'm honestly about to walk away from this series. If you are going to do age-gap, great. The females need to be strong. Have a backbone. And please for the love of all that's holy, please spare us all the thoughts of a whiny, immature teenager.