A review by acousticreader
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo


I really, really wanted to be changed by this book! My desire to love it kept me reading it until the end, at which point, the author finally gave a small handful of ideas of how to take action to fight racism. I can 100% get onboard with the fact that I have no idea what it is like to be a person of color, and that their experiences and suffering are legitimate and traumatizing. What I don't get is how calling EVERY white person a racist helps glean any results. I felt frustrated by the author's advice to just "Google" anything one has questions about, rather than ask someone who may have actual experience with it. It felt incredibly hypocritical to accuse people of being unwilling to talk about race (which, why shove that in my face right now when I'm reading this book??) and then equally tell them NOT to talk about it! Maybe I'm just not in the right place and can pick this book up again in the future with less defenses.