A review by clgaston31
Broken and Screwed 2 by Tijan


So after my review from Broken and Screwed 1, I want to make it know that this cover is much better! I completely approve on this one! Book 2 picked up right where book 1 left off!

You get a lot more of Alex and Jesse, but now you also have college girls vying for Jesse's attention and they don't care how they get it. This book really shows the strength between Alex and Jesse's relationship and how it only grows from there, but will it last once Alex really finds out the truth behind Ethan's death and the secret Jesse is hiding from her?

Great way to end a series! I know Tijan has been asked if there will be another Broken and Screwed, but I don't think there needs to be! This was a great ending. Honestly, if Tijan does come out with a third book to this series, I don't know if I will read it just because I am content with the way this ended. What else would Tijan go into? Life after college? I feel like that will stretch out a series, but can also make it boring if there isn't a good enough story line. My opinion - leave well enough alone and keep this the last BS book.