A review by tamaralgage1
Master and God by Lindsey Davis


This scores on many levels with me. First, I wanted Roman history. This provided nice glimpse into Roman life through the eyes of a soldier and a hair dresser. Their intertwined life across 16 years explored the use of Firefighters; Roman Laws; persecucion; life of slaves and freedmen; (surprise) women were treated like crap. But, you do get to learn history of Rome between 78 AD - 96 AD. There were two rulers during this period and through the main characters you get to see the impact their decision had on the citizens.

Next I have to appreciate the skill the female character show in forging a life for herself independant of real support. She was observant and articulate in communications. I think you will appreciate this character.

Finally, the male character was a strong and honest man that served as a solider in many capacities. Like the female character, he was wise and very observant. Regardless of his position, he was honorable and fair. In the end, you find yourself holding your breath and cheering for him to succeed in his final endeavor.

Good book....