A review by dlmiddle
Stretched Too Thin: How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter, and Thrive by Jessica N. Turner


This book is absolutely phenomenal and a must read for working moms (and honestly all moms). I am not a traditional working mom - I am a Reservist that does not have a civilian career, so stay at home with my kids 94% of the time but found Jessica's book to be so encouraging. She addresses mom guilt and gives practical tips. My favorite chapter was probably her chapter on friendship and community - things that we all need. I had the opportunity to listen to the audio book, which was read by the author and included little tidbits that are not in the print version. We all go through seasons in our lives where we are stretched too thin. This book is just what you need in the midst of those season. I highly recommend it to any and all working moms.

I received the audio book from the publisher as part of the launch team.