A review by nevadaishome
Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry by B.S. Johnson


Favorite quotes:

"When I grow up, I'm going to be a driver in women's underwear adverts, driving at speed along mountain roads, or through crowded city streets, leaning over to sound the horn, and grinning at the thrill of the danger and the knowledge of the erotic thrill my nearness is affording the girls in the car with me."

“People who know they are happy can generally be counted upon to be socially conservative, often actively so. They love their condition and vote conservative to preserve it."

"The man with the bad leg got off at the next stop, but not before Christie had noticed how his massiveness seemed to have burst from the clothes which barely contained it, with an effect of mass carelessness, and a pitted surface, like a great cauliflower."

"So they were not real people, then; only cliche's. But what he felt about them was not cliche'd, and what he was feeling now was not just extreme emotion, it was truth."