A review by amysofta
Star Trek, Volume 9: The Q Gambit by Mike Johnson, Tony Shasteen


I received a copy of this from the publisher through Net Galley for an honest review.

While this is not my first graphic novel (third maybe), it is the first one I have reviewed. I’m kind of lost on how to begin and what to comment on. A little back ground on why I picked this one up. It was free for review on Net Galley and I am a huge Star Trek fan! I figured why the hell not.

Reading a graphic novel is quite a different experience from a typical book. The story is much shorter, you don’t need to fill in all the imagery yourself and it doesn’t work so well on an e-reader. I found the pages would lag and it disturb my reading flow and then you have the much smaller screen and teeny tinny little print. I would have enjoyed and appreciated this much more if I had had the print version instead.

Otherwise the story was a lot of fun. It took characters from two of the TV series and threw in the cast from the latest movie and sent them on an adventure orchestrated by perhaps one of my favorite Trek characters, Q. So many great characters made cameos in this book I couldn’t wait to see who showed up next! Compared to my last read the plot moves at warp speed and I found myself wishing for more pages. I will definitely keep my eye out for more of these Star Trek graphic novels.

The art work was amazing and beautiful. I was surprised at how well they captures these familiar ships and faces from the shows and movie. Again the only thing I wish here is that I had the print version so I could have seen it on a grander scale. I think it might have lost something on such a small screen.

If you are a Trekkie like me give this graphic novel a try. I think it will keep you entertained for an afternoon and have you wanting to check more out. It did me.