A review by ccgwalt
In Too Deep by Jayne Ann Krentz



I didn't know whether to round up or down with this one. I know my ratings have gotten more lenient in the past year so I thought about it and decided, based on my earlier criteria for a 3 star read, this is closer to that than a four star. 3 star = average, enjoyable, worth the time, but nothing to make it unique. That fits this book fairly well.

I enjoyed the characters, the plot, and the set-up for the next book(s). I thought the mystery and the characters in this book were interesting, although somewhat underdeveloped. While the relationship stays somewhat in the background, I appreciate that I don't have to read about over-reactive body parts every time the two protagonists are in the same room together. Having to stop the dialog or action for H/h to think about how their private parts are tingling/throbbing/etc., gets old. Some times I like my characters to be grown-ups and control their "parts." Krentz's characters do, more or less.

Overall, I was pleased with the book and plan to keep reading the series.