A review by helenblake13
When I Am Through with You by Stephanie Kuehn


this book was generally pretty decent. i guess to me it was just kinda... meh.

i mean, the plot is overall interesting and i think the characters were pretty fun. none of them were suuuper likable, except for the teacher and his wife, but that's not why i rated this a four out of five.

i think the main reason why i took off a star is because sometimes i feel like things just happened sequentially with no real connection. like it was just sort of like, "oh. i guess this is happening now. huh." and i think the beginning set it up to be like some huge deal? and then it was like lol he kills her lmao and i was like... oh. again, the ending was just another sequential thing that simply happened.

i don't know really how to describe it. i mean, it was a fine book, and kuehn is a fantastic writer, but i wasn't like, into it into it.. i guess.

either way, the teacher, his wife, and tomás were the best characters. everyone else was just kinda annoying.

also, why the hell is the teacher just sort of letting them off onto the mountain on their own???? like yeah they're high schoolers and they can take care of themselves, but uh, isn't that a liability? like what if they just fell off a cliff or something? or like what if they get lost or attacked my mountain lions or whatever and no one's there to help them? like yeah okay ben is a decent map dude. that's great. shouldn't there be someone... with him????? ie. a teacher?????? i mean, honestly, all the problems started because the teacher was just kinda like eh do whatever you want on this random mountain.

whatever. i still liked him.