A review by francesca_rock
Until Trevor by Aurora Rose Reynolds


Just as I predicted. The writing got a bit better with this one. Still some struggles with the dialogue - but better than the first for sure. Hopefully that improvement continues in the next book (exponentially until it's all old hat for Aurora Rose Reynolds).

The story was also pretty good. Liz is introduced in book one - so you totally knew that this was coming. I prefer to meet characters in their own story - but this is a standard thing that is done in romance series. That being said - I really liked Liz and Trevor. They were sweet together and in the end I was certainly rooting for them.

This was pretty much your standard romance novel - had to have a little bit of excitement - but that was it. That probably makes it sound bad - haha. It was well paced ... but not as exciting as a mystery novel. Still good though.

I can hardly wait to read the next one and see the improvements AND the story.

Check out more of my reviews at http://whatabookbitch.blogspot.ca