A review by smalltownbookmom
Four Ways to Wear a Dress by Gillian Libby


I REALLY, really enjoyed this steamy summer romance set in a small beach town. Millie is a social media influencer whose lost her way (and her following). When a friend asks her to come home and help her out for a month she agrees easily, especially when she finds her lucky dress - the one that has brought luck to all her friends (think Sisterhood of the travelling pants!). Trying to help her friends, Millie ends up in a fake dating situation with her best friend's brother - the man she's happened to have a huge crush on since college.

Full of heart, humor and lots of relatable moments. I loved the mental health rep (Millie has ADHD and is constantly battling feelings of being a screw up) and also enjoyed that Millie was a bad-ass surfer chick (think Blue Crush). The exhaustion of being tied to a social media grid and constantly chasing followers is also very well done in this book.

Definitely add it to your summer #tbr if you like:
- women surfers
- neurodivergent MCs
- best friend's brother trope
- fake dating
- open door romance with TONS of chemistry
- small town setting
- great female friendships

This was honestly a surprise delight and I'm so grateful to have gotten an advance review copy thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks!! Great on audio narrated by
Erika Schindele and highly recommended, especially for fans of In the weeds or When in Rome!!