A review by franwiththebookaddiction
At Last Comes Love by Mary Balogh


2.9 stars.
What is it with Mary Balogh’s obsession with quizzing glasses? I cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, see them on a romance novel hero. It’s just wrong.
Perhaps she has a quizzing glass fetish?
I believe every single Balogh novel I’ve read at some point has the hero wearing one and it’s just the biggest turn off ever.
The foppish, affected villain wearing one is quite acceptable but I have read quite a few of her novels and each time the hero decides to put one on I think “wtf?!” Who would ever think THAT sexy or hero like? It’s WRONG.
Hence- three stars for this one. I was with it until the quizzing glass part at which point I completely disengaged and got irritated by every character and plot point.
I had wondered why it had been so long since I picked up a MB as she’s an eloquent and well researched historical romance writer.
This reminded me.
Quizzing glasses.