A review by clovemorris
The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win by Jeff Haden


Ugh, mixed feelings. There are principles here that are new to me as a not-so-highly-motivated person and this is helpful in areas I've felt stuck. I'm not looking to be an entrepreneur and have no desire to find my value in success, but I'm interested in discipline and using my time better.

It's easy for me to filter out the examples, attitudes, and mind sets that aren't helpful to me, but it's worth mentioning that this book is for a very specific type of person and gives absolutely no nod to limitations that are not self-imposed: gender, race, disabilities to name a few.

If it's still helpful for you to hear that very narrow focus, then this book is great! But if you tend to get overwhelmed hearing someone give advice from a very privilege-framed perspective, stay away or be ready to filter out a good portion of the book. There are pieces here that are still universally valuable.