A review by cassies_books_reviews
Once Two Sisters by Sarah Warburton


Wanting a fresh start away from her family Zoe changed her name to Lizzie and is living in Texas. Lizzie is married to a wonderful widow named Andrew and is helping raise his young daughter Emma. Lizzie has never revealed her past not wanting to bring her families Toxic drama around her new family, she decides to keep them hidden. Lizzies sister Ava is a famous author and she puts Lizzies life as her main character and reveals all her personal secrets. Their parents are cold and work obsessed psychologists. One morning it’s breaking news Lizzies sister is missing and with their difficult past Lizzie is the main suspect and it looks like she’s being framed. With her secret out Lizzies marriage is in shambles and she flies to Virginia to try to clear her name.
Meanwhile in alternating chapters it’s revealed that Ava is truly kidnapped and with her first husband. They are fighting to survive from a twisted kidnapper that all lead back to Ava and Lizzies family.
I really enjoyed this book I loved the twists and everyone being a suspect! Four stars!!