A review by dim_light
The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls by Jessica Spotswood


Whatever. This book was great.

Des, the character we start off with is the 'responsible' of the 4 sisters. It's so wholesome how she tries to be her best for her family, even after that horrible incident they all went through. I love the way she loves her Gram. So good. I've never met MY gram, so I'd love to get to know them. And her teen phase which came late is hilarious. Personally, I'd never get a tattoo, or dye my hair. Not blue anyways. Purple is my favorite color. Anyways, I love that she establishes a friendship that causes her to come out of her shell. I can't say I'm really proud of her choice though. Weed, breaking into church, uh no, stay away from me please and thank you. I always thought Paige was a bit sketchy. Foreshadowing is an amazing thing. But Des's character on how she takes care of people around her, and feels like the responsible one. That's admirable.

Bea is the one I have to say is my least favorite of the sisters, but the most relatable. She feels constantly stressed and disorganized, which I feel sometimes. I didn't like that she cheated on Erik. Sure she broke up with him, but AFTER she had already kissed the other dude. Not okay. But I understand people have their up's and down's sometimes, but she had sorta pushed it. The fact she bottled up her emotions was pretty sad. I do like her coping strategy, its pretty cool. I'd love to have those baking skills, and be able to taste the baked goods XD. She is overall an amazing character, but she reminds me of me, disheveled and stressed. I don't like that about myself.

But now lets talk about my favorite, Kat. I love her sassy attitude, and her ability to be a great actor. A thing I don't like about her is her jealousy. Like why would you want a dick to be your boyfriend if he cheated on you already? Looks aren't everything. But I do love her sense of fashion and who she gets with at the end. Beautiful. I also love how she throws cola on her ex near the end. Perfect revenge if you ask me. What I'm wondering is how the play went. Sequel please?

Now for the youngest bean, Viola (Known as Vi). The precious lesbian of the entire group. If you're homophobic, I'm asking you nicely, to leave instead of leaving hate. LGBTQ+ is amazing, and I love how open Vi is about it. The fact she gets with her crush at the end is great. Gave me butterflies with all honesty. ^w^ I also really like that she's a 'lil bookworm. I'm a bit of one myself, and people like that are admirable.

Another character I adored was Cece. As a Latina, I can confirm how things can get in out homes. And the strong religious beliefs QwQ. As she said in the book, you don't see lots of books about LGBTQ+ Latina's and Latino's. It's kinda sad. But this book does. AND I LOVE IT :D

This book was so good, and I love how we get to see perspective from each of the sisters. The only bad thing about this book is Kat's asshole of a ex, and Bea's mortal enemy. The satisfaction when Bea put her in her place was DELICIOUS. For talking crap about all of the sisters. Karma >:)