A review by philippakmoore
Quarter Past Two on a Wednesday Afternoon by Linda Newbery


An evocative and compelling family drama that centres around the disappearance of teenager Rose and how her family are coping with it 20 years later. No one knows what happened to Rose - was she kidnapped, murdered, or did she just run away? Either way, she simply vanished that Wednesday afternoon and no one has seen or heard from her since.

Twenty years on, Rose's sister Anna feels restless in her life in London, unable to settle despite being with a man who loves her and the offer of a steady job on the horizon, and feels moved to finally find out what happened to Rose. However, once she starts searching, a web of family secrets start unravelling.

I really enjoyed reading this. The characters are well drawn and believable, all of them with realistic flaws and personality traits. They are complicated people and not all of them are likeable, but you do get caught up in their stories. The various timelines work well. I particularly enjoyed Sandra's storyline in the 1960s...it was very evocative and realistic, and parts of it were truly heartbreaking.

Written with a fine eye for detail and skilful handling of the various layers of the plot, this is a great family drama with lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing.

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy of the book.