A review by rkking
Colonization by Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant


 The third book in the Invasion series, Colonization takes a sharp left turn from where the previous 2 books had left off. A bit of a time jump shows the world has changed significantly in light of the Astral alien invasion. Some of our familiar characters are living in the new alien-led society. Some of the characters are on the outside, actively opposing the new alien regime.
The dichotomy of these two societies was the most intriguing part of the story for me. The introduction of a band of rebels out in the badlands, led by Nathan Andreus and Cameron's father Benjamin, felt almost 'Star Wars rebels vs empire' kind of thing, which was neat. The use of ancient astronaut theories is also quite interesting, and leads to some cool ideas later in the book.
Where the book dragged on for a bit though was with the interpersonal relationships between the characters, and the drawn out travelling back and forth where each character is.
I for one am very tired of Lila's story. It really needs to liven up, and the whole triangle between her and Christopher and Raj has gotten old. But at least some fun things happen to Raj later in the story.
A slight revelation at the end was a cool factor to throw in, and the epilogue leaves you wondering what's going to happen next. Due to these I'll keep reading the next book.
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