A review by textpublishing
Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind over Body by Jo Marchant


If you think this book is going to be full of wellness guff then think again! Cure is a balanced and relatable feat of science journalism. Once we started reading we couldn’t put it down.

Jo Marchant goes to the forefront of mind-body medical research and uncovers case studies that offer an impressive insight into the relationship between the mind and body. The anecdotes Marchant uses to reveal this relationship are fascinating. From virtual reality simulations that ease pain in burn patients, to placebo effects that re-engage autistic children, Cure cuts through the noise to provide a thoughtful, in-depth study.

You don’t need a science major or a medical PhD to enjoy this book. Regardless of your background this is a topic that will interest everyone. As Publishers Weekly said in their STARRED review, Cure is: "A critically needed conceptual bridge for those who are frustrated with pseudoscientific explanations of alternative therapies but intrigued by the mind’s potential power to both cause and treat chronic, stress-related conditions."

Read Marchant’s popular LinkedIn article ‘How to Thrive on Stress’: www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-thrive-stress-jo-marchant

Listen to an interview on NPR: www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/01/26/464372009/how-meditation-placebos-and-virtual-reality-help-power-mind-over-body