A review by goldluula
The Legend of Ellie Quin by Alex Scarrow


Ellie Quin was a shortish story introducing us into the world of Ellie and setting the scene for future books in the series.
Ellie is a young girl who thought she was ordinary. Turns out she was wrong.
She's spent all of her life on a farm, farming oxygen to be sold at prices which are dipping desperately. All her life she has dreamed of nothing more than escaping the farm, and travelling to New Haven, the major city of the planet she's on. After discussing plans with that standard boy she has a crush on (c'mon, he teaches her maths), she runs away from home.
Did I mention that this planet is not Earth? And that the atmosphere is not yet hospitable for humans to survive without an oxygen mask?
Well, she's a ninny who doesn't pack enough oxygen.
She also happens to be one of the most important people in the universe.
She doesn't even know it yet.

Well... It wasn't Time Riders, but it was still a nice read. I'd recommend it for people going on a journey in the car with a couple of hours to waste. The characters seemed a bit flat, and Ellie a bit 2D. I'm hoping that the series will pick up a bit in the next book - as I said, it's a short story and it was only an introduction.