A review by inmyhumbleopinion
Whiskey Secrets by Carrie Ann Ryan


Whiskey Secrets is a spinoff of the Montgomery Ink series. This series revolves around Tammy’s brothers and can be read separately from Montgomery Ink.
Dare Collins is a former cop-turned-bartender and single father (with crappy visitation rights). He isn’t so great with handling life so he buries himself in his work and family. He isn’t a fan of change.
Kenzie Owens is starting over. She has divorced her abusive husband and after therapy has found the strength to start anew. Change in her case is a very good thing.
When these two meet the chemistry is immediate though neither wants it. When they decide to explore it as “friends with benefits” things get hot. When feelings get involved it get complicated.
I loved Kenzie she is stronger than she knows and kinder than Dare deserves. There were times I wanted to slap Dare upside the head. I think that Dare finally discovers that sometimes change is the best thing that ever happened to him.