A review by cj_mo_2222
Prose and Cons by Wendy Corsi Staub


I really enjoyed the earlier books in this series, but this one was disappointing to me. I love the premise of there being many characters living in Lily Dale, New York with paranormal abilities with Bella not sure how she feels about their claims. Some of the best parts of the prior books are scenes with the main character, Bella Jordan who is a widow, and her six-year-old son, Max.This book was lacking in those touching scenes and had too much of Pandora, my least favorite character in the series. Pandora used to own the Vicorian manor that is now a guest house managed by Bella and doesn’t want to admit to her visiting aunt that she no longer owns it. Bella allows herself to be walked on by Pandora and Auntie Eudora throughout the book. Bella senses something is off about Eudora and her boyfriend Nigel, but the plot just didn’t grab me. I enjoyed the ending and the direction Bella seems to be taking for the future, but this was my least favorite of the Lily Dale mysteries.

I received this ebook from NetGalley through the courtesy of Severn House. An advance copy was provided to me at no cost, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.