A review by elcanaldevenecia
Wait for You by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Love you Cam!

Avery is a teenager that has been through a lot, that caused her to be insecure and shy. She was a very popular girl and all was taken from her because of a stupid boy that didn't want a No for an answer. She was pretty stupid also for trying to do woman things when she was actually a teenager and she should have live a healthy life not an addicted one.
When she was older she grew some pants and decided that her life had to change and even though she did some childish decisions, she learned from her mistakes.

Avery's parents... Her mom was a selfish bitch and his dad was wipped. They should have stand for her daughter and fight against the Blaine. Its very important for a girl feeling the security a family gives you because, specially at that age, we are lost and we don't know everything. We are naive and reckless.

Molly was behaving really bad with Avery, she tried to convince her it was her fault she was raped. Which it has logic but even though she knew Avery had no option, she still hated her. I think she's evil and cruel because of what she lived, and has no one to blame but Avery, not even Blaine.

Cam is the bomb. He has the full packager but the only problem is that even though he tries to understand Av, he need to be more patience. He does it most of the times, but the situations that she needed him, he wasn't there and that hurt her so bad. *Those eyes*

The best friend everybody wishes is Brit. She's funny and bold, even though a little too open-minded for me. But she's courageous and supportive, which is perfect for Avery. Because she helps Avery in her decisions.

Jacob. Fabulous. Hot. Sassy. ;)

Ollie could have been a great alternative for Av because he's really funny and crazy, but I prefer him with Brit because they seem like they need each other.

Blaine Fitzgerald. As*h*le.

I like the story but it was missing something. I enjoy reading it so I gave it 4.5 / 5 stars :D
That ending though...