A review by anndouglas
The Best American Short Stories 2001 by Katrina Kenison, Barbara Kingsolver


This was an exceptionally good volume of short stories. (This series if published annually.)

Highlights included

"Boys" by Rick Moody
"Nobody Listens When I Talk" by Annette Stanford
"The Apple Tree" by Trevanian
"My Baby..." by Dorothy West

Here is a wonderfully mischievous quote from "The Apple Tree":

"Short first pregnancies do not occasion criticism in our valley, for it is widely known that the good Lord often makes first pregnancies mercifully brief as His reward to the girl for having preserved her chastity until marriage. Subsequent pregnancies, however, usually run their full terms, which only makes sense, as the very fact that they are not first pregnancies means that the mother was not chaste at the moment of conception."