A review by cari1268
Everneath by Brodi Ashton


I read the low reviews on this book and had pretty mild expectations. I am happy to be able to say that this book exceeded my expectations. I found the characters were likable enough and I'm always a sucker for retellings of myths and legends. Normally, books that jump through time drive me batty as I quickly tire of reading the "before" parts but the author did a good job with it. Just as I started getting bored of reading about "before", she started focusing more and more on the "now". That being said, I'm still not sure that I wouldn't have enjoyed reading the story more in chronological order. This book was well done and I enjoyed it. I was pretty glued to it and I finished it quickly.

Now all that being said, I did have some qualms. I wasn't in love with the ending. I got slightly annoyed when the characters started talking about redemption because I did not feel that the main character, Nikki, redeemed herself. She made a majorly stupid decision and didn't do anything very selfless throughout the story. That being said, I didn't dislike her as a character. She's a teenager and so a little self-invovement is expected and although I wouldn't call her selfless, selfish is too strong of a word.

I also think I would have liked this story more if it was one novel. I felt that the author could have tied up all the loose strings in one book and I'm not sure that I'll be as glued to the second one. *We shall see*

I didn't like that Nikki's impending doom to the tunnels was called her "debt". This is rather nit picky but it bothered me. I couldn't understand what she had been given to owe a debt. She had given six months (or 100 years depending on which time you're going to count) and her emotions. What did she get in return besides a void of emotions that she herself didn't seem to like? How was she in debt? It didn't make sense to my mind.

For being a high school romance, the love was highly unrealistic. That being said, it is a fiction novel and I did enjoy the romance. Although I wish I could have seen Nicki and Jack falling in love. Oh, and I also wouldn't say that there was a love triangle as other reviewers have mentioned. In my humble opinion, Nikki needed to love both guys for there to be a love triangle.

Overall, I enjoyed this one and I'm sure I'll get around to reading the second one someday.

Three stars.