A review by apagetoturn
Chipless by Kfir Luzzatto


This is one of the better young adult dystopian novels I've read in a long time. If you like Ally Condie's Matched series, this one might just keep you entertained. I loved the idea behind the chips and the class system in this world, it was very well written and developed. I have never read anything like this book before. The main characters, especially Kal and Amber, are easy to relate to. I love when a YA book pairs an unlikely couple and we get to see them learn to get along. The story muddies up a little with all the additional characters and side stories, but I really was entertained and held captive wanting to know if Kal would complete his mission and get his answers. He had always been told one thing, raised one way; then his eyes are forced open and to see him have to make new choices and stand up for what he believes was really captivating.