A review by elpisgalaxy
The Girl in the Clockwork Tower by Lou Wilham


I found it hard to get into this book and at times elements of the world and plot just didn't make the most sense to me. With the way the book starts out, it doesn't feel like the first book with the way it throws you into the world and that ended up being very disorienting. Even now, I'm still not too sure what the purpose of the organization Persi works for is and why some of the people they collect become assets vs. sent directly to labor camps. I also had a hard time understanding the uprising and how they were using Persi in it since she didn't actually seem to be doing much for them and feeding them information the way other insiders were.

Despite these issues, I did enjoy Persi's character development throughout the book as she is forced to come up with plans on the fly and improve herself. I also liked the development of her relationship with Manu Kelii although him taking her out of the tower randomly throughout the story seemed out of place even if it was interesting.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.