A review by nymphie
I'm Engaged To Mothman by Paige Lavoie


WOW! This sequel did not disappoint! I loved seeing the fae realm and learning all about Moth’s origins and family. The new characters introduced are just perfect. I am so glad that Heather is making more friends, and that they love her for who she is, weird human quirks and all. The story was super engaging, but the first half was just a tad slower than the second. Once I got past the halfway point, I devoured this book.

I absolutely adore Heather. She is a fierce and loving woman with a weakness for pretty ladies. She has confidence, but still suffers from moments of anxiety. She loves sparkly, poofy dresses, but eagerly runs barefoot through the forest. We don’t have all that much in common, but I see so much of myself in Heather, including her flaws. I also struggle to balance pleasing the people around me with taking care of myself. She makes me feel seen.

My only complaint is that I now have to wait until next year to see how Heather and Moth’s story will conclude. I am so excited to read from Moth’s perspective and get a glimpse into the inner workings of our broody dark prince.