A review by jecinwv
The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf


After what feels like a year I finally finished this book. I want to say up front that I love this book despite how slow it was for me and my rating of it. The Weight of Our Sky follows Melati, a Malay girl in Malaysia during the 60s who suffers from OCD that manifests as a Djinn telling her scary things will happen if she doesn't appease him and count a lot. Melati is having a regular day until a race war breaks out in Kuala Lumpur. This whole book follows that war and Melati's place in it.
Things I loved: Malaysia in a Western book, OCD representation, a YA story that isn't clean and neat but gritty and uncovers the real awful things that happened in history and still make an impact today.
Things that led to a slow read/low star rating: The plot of Melati wandering around was a slow burn at times and made me tired. I started to loose track of what the goal or plot was. I also wanted more flushed out side characters.