A review by nelnuytkens
Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers


This book was so raw, honest and real. It's written in a way that immediately sucks you in and you quickly feel connected to the story and its characters.

This is only my second Courtney Summers read, but I'll recommend this author to anyone who ever asks me for recommendations, because damn!

Parker, the main character is messed up, she's just plain rude, brutally honest (or rude, whatever floats your boat), self-absorbed and manipulative. She's also a bit of a mystery, one second you think you know her, the next she's off doing the complete opposite of what you thought she'd do. I adore these type of complex characters and I adore Courtney Summers for writing them so well.

The way this story is written is really smart. There's little snippets of an important event scattered throughout the book, just enough to give you a little context, but also not enough to keep you hooked to want to find out more. Brilliant.

You might make the mistake of reading the blurb about his book and thinking it's a typical highschool story about mean girls meeting cute guys and the whole cliché, but this is NOT that kind of book, believe me.

One last thing; it's a sad book. A very sad book. This book broke my heart about every other page or so. (Didn't make me love it less though.)