A review by flaviathebibliophile
The Art & Making of The Greatest Showman by Signe Bergstrom


Happy The Greatest Showman release on DVD and Blu-ray day! If you haven’t read my gush review for the film itself, you can find it here. This tie-in book is just as awesome as the film was too! I love hardcover books like this, especially when the pages are glossy and of amazing quality. I love the cover of this book. It’s beautiful! And just as much effort has gone into the interior, as the exterior. The top of each section was formatted to look like something out of a newspaper from the 1800s (P.T. Barnum’s time).

There are many glossy photographs about the make of The Greatest Showman, which I really enjoyed, because one of the things that I loved most about the film were the visuals (and the visuals in this book were just as colourful and just as much a pleasure to look at). The topics discussed in the articles, or sections, within this book, were also quite interesting. Subjects ranging from the life of the real P.T. Barnum, to choices and decisions made regarding the film, and I found myself enjoying each of the topics. I definitely recommend this book to those who enjoyed the film, and who also enjoy art books like this one!