A review by beecycling
Captain's Surrender by Alex Beecroft


I enjoyed this, liked the characters, who were complex and underwent good development through the story. I did come away a bit unsatisfied though, as some parts of the story felt too rushed through. I'd have liked to see them expanded on. The biggest example being when martinet Captain Walker has Peter - an officer - flogged. That's huge! For Peter, for Josh, who's in love with him, for the crew of the ship. But the story covers it in some paragraphs of narrative after it's happened and that left me feeling cheated out of what could have been some really dramatic conflict-filled scenes.

So it's good, but in general it felt a bit underdone, like a cake that came out of the oven too soon, before it finished rising. I enjoyed it, but definitely prefer False Colors, which is longer and meatier.