A review by marinaemoore
This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare by Gabourey Sidibe


“I used to think celebrities wrote books for the money or to squeeze a few more seconds out of their fifteen minutes of fame. Now I know that many people in general, not just celebrities, write about their own lives to find purpose for pain.”

Sidibe’s story truly is one of pain, adventure, and finding purpose. Because she wrote it herself instead of having a ghost writer do it, her voice, perspective, and sense of humor really shone through.

As interesting as it was hearing about how she came to star in the movie Precious, I found the chapters about her parents to be the best parts of her memoir. Her parents sound like very interesting people and the way she views them is equally fascinating to me.

Where this book lost me a smidge (hence the star deductions) was that it did get pretty repetitive. This memoir isn’t written chronologically, and I think because of that, Sidibe had to re-describe the setting or the period of her life she was talking about pretty frequently, which led to some repetition.