A review by forfoxsake
A Street Cat Named Bob: How One Man and His Cat Found Hope on the Streets by James Bowen


Heartwarming story about how animal companionship can change your world for the better. However I have several issues with the language used in the book, I can’t count the amount of times I’d wanted to DNF.

There are complaints that the world around him doesn’t treat him like a human being but he is so quick to judge other people and not in a good way - “staffies and their Neanderthal owners” and they way he continually talks down on other addicts “a gambling addict…all he did he did was pump it (his money) straight back into fruit machines” despite at that time being a heroin addict himself.

We are continually told that the whole world is out to get him. He takes no responsibility for his actions, even when he knows he is in the wrong - selling The Big Issue on the streets away from his ‘pitch’ / telling us that other vendors had been drinking on the job, which is against the basic rules only to then admit in the same paragraph that he’s done it before. He continually boldly tries to deny his actions and their consequences.

The hostility towards the vets and vet practices at the beginning was entirely unnecessary and there’s so much I could say on that but won’t delve into.