A review by cheesytwistie
More Than This by Jay McLean


oh my god! 5 freaking amazing stars for this! BEWARE! Spoilers ahead!

I just love it when you pick up a book that you don't think you'll like a lot and you just get dragged into it because it's the best thing ever!!!!!

What an awful night for Kayla.... first she catching her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend. Then she meets an amazing guy and his friends and has a wonderful evening with them only to return home to discover her family had been murdered.

That is some brutal shit right there.

Kayla was a strong as all hell character to keep going after what happened, lord knows I wouldn't have been able to if I were in that position so I loved and adored Kayla to a maximum!

The Good

Jake & Kayla Damn those two caused me some serious frustration and they didn't even kiss to nearly the end of the damned book! (But don't worry, there was plenty of steamy build up!). I actually loved that they didn't kiss. It showed that Jake was serious with what he wanted. If he kissed her, he'd want all of her but he didn't really know what she wanted so he had to refrain himself (even though it was pretty damn obvious that she wanted him!).

Their growth throughout the book was great. It was a steady build up of becoming friends first then lovers. I loved how serious about her he was and how protective. And the jealously was adorable. He definitely had some insecurities and I wish they could have been explored a little more.

Drunk Lucy Need I say more? Drunk Lucy was the best! Sober Lucy was awesome too. I'd love to read more about her relationship with Cam.

Dylan & Heidi They have the relationship that I LOVE to read about. Dylan is quiet but he loves outgoing Heidi more than anything and it extremely protective over her. I NEED to read something about them so I hope the author releases a book about them.

Logan oh Logan.... I can't wait until his book is released! Who is he in love with?
Spoiler Is it Heidi?
that would be freaking amazing if it was....

Jake's family What wonderful people. Taking in a girl they didn't know and who had nothing left and treated her like family. That was beautiful.

The Bad

Nothing bad. Obviously there were a few things here and there but nothing worth mentioning.

Standout Scenes

Kayla and Jake's first meeting and meeting his friends

Every drunk Lucy moment

The massage scene between Jake and Kayla

Every steamy scene between Jake and Kayla

James giving Jake the flowers to give to Kayla

Jake and Kayla finally seeing the light and Jake moving her stuff into his room