A review by tessisreading2
Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh


I didn't expect to like this one as much as I did - it stars a couple of minor characters and an area of the Psy-Changeling universe I didn't find particularly interesting - but the strength of the romance and the detail of the plot carried it through. This is something I really admire about the series; I think Singh has a definite vision in mind for where she's going with this particular universe, and she's writing that story - she's creating something rather than going for the easy-out version so many romance writers embrace, where they settle on a section of their story that their readers enjoy which is easy to crank out on a regular basis. (No shade here, it's a valid career decision. But these books are just a step beyond.)

No love for the cover, though, which features some dude who looks like an eighties cop show extra and bears no resemblance to any character in the story.