A review by pilgrimgossip
Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews


This was one of the few books my mom read that sparked my interest too. I think I read this in about 4th grade, without having to sneak it, she actually let me read this. That alone puts her parenting skills into question.
The first time I read this book I don't think I really understood a lot of the incest elements, although the incest stuff is pretty much the whole book. I remember being endlessly fascinated with the grandmother's rules and I remember crying when ( spoiler in the next part of this sentence) Micky the mouse died. Even at that age I was practically screaming at the book for them to just escape that fucking house.

The second time I read it I was in sixth grade and I was definitely picking up on the sex stuff.
So in conclusion, it wasn't just the middle School girls in the 80's who were obsessed with this book. At least this gay boy was as well
Oh side note, every Christmas until I was in my 20's one of my presents would be the next wildly trashy "V. C. Andrews" book. I could never figure out how the woman could keep churning them out long after her death until I recently found out about her ghost writer.