A review by suziegon
Power Girl: Power Trip by Jimmy Palmiotti


This is a pretty female-positive book, and shows a healthy and well-rounded (as in showing all-around life) relationship between women. I love the Birds of Prey, but their lives outside missions aren't shown much. And as great as the characters are, they always seem to have a problem with their male romantic interests in the back of their minds. Gotham City Sirens are great too, but there's always a lack of trust between group members and the tendency to betray each other - on top of romance problems. In "Power Girl: Power Trip", readers are treated to THREE ENTIRE PAGES of Karen (Power Girl) and Atlee (Terra) JUST at the movies together - two-and-a-half of which is them simply interacting with each other as friends. It's relaxed, warm, and we don't see nearly enough of heroes being normal people in comics. There are other similar moments like this in the book. The normalcy sets Power Girl apart. You get to SEE she's at least trying to live a balanced life between work, heroism, and just being herself. It's so refreshing.

One issue I had with this book was the ending of the "Power Trip" arc. It might have just been me, but I feel like it wasn't properly resolved before we see Power Girl back to normal and seemingly all sorted out in the next issue. I would've appreciated seeing how she dealt with learning she's actually from another universe. Maybe it was dealt with and just not included in this collection, I don't know. But it would've been nice to have it here.
Another problem is the way Karen/Power Girl is sexualized. It's always pointed out as something Karen doesn't like, yet the comic keeps showing her in situations where the reader /will/ sexualize her, or another character is. I think the writers were trying to point it out ironically, but it happened so often it backfired, to the point of it becoming a bit of a nuisance.

Other than that, I love this book and I'm in love with Power Girl as a character. She's smart, sassy, and kicks ass while maintaining healthy relationships and keeping things fun. Can't recommend it enough. The stories are light and fun, but also humanizing, and the art is LOVELY.