A review by thousand_page_dreams
Midnight Radio by Iolanda Zanfardino


(This review was originally posted on my blog “Megan Reads” http://megansreviewingjourney.tumblr.com/ )
Netgalley gave me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Since this is a short graphic novel, I won’t discuss any particular plot points because they’d be spoilers.

The art was nice. Each character’s story had a different color. Each story was memorable, distinct, and would form a great stand alone book. I liked the themes of each section. All protagonists were sympathetic and dynamic; I enjoyed their stories. Subtle story telling adds more excitement to the plots.

I do wish the radio played a bigger role in the story. Since the summary mentions the stories are interwoven, I would've liked to see more intertwining as the stories are mostly independent. My final complaint is that the ending of Joanne’s story confused me.

While Midnight Radio is a brief story, I’d recommend this well illustrated and characterized book.