A review by hawaiirican808
Aptitude (The Dark in the Light Series, #2) by J.S. Wik


First, let me say J.S has INCREDIBLE speed when it comes to releasing this series so fast! 

Aptitude is book 2 of "The Dark in the Light" series and another amazing, thrilling, and suspenseful read! It was interesting to see that the majority of the story was told in the past tense (to really share the history between Jonathan and Faith and what was going on before he did what he has done to ruin their lives. JS did an incredible job with the flashbacks so that us as readers are able to get a more well-rounded picture of Jonathan from a past perspective. While most authors barely do flashbacks, J's work really allowed me to truly understand him on a different level and it really changed my perspective a bit of him from "Habitude". Like Habitude, I was another immediate fan of J.S Wik's writing style, being able to portray raw emotions, hurts, and memories in a raw and heartwrenching way. You really feel the hurt and pain that Faith has been through because of Jonathan and J did an incredible job showing those emotions justice. I'm very curious to see how everything plays out with these two in Beatitude, the suspense of this storyline is killing me LOL.