A review by primmlife
Baby Shower by Cassandra Khaw


Baby Shower continues the excellent story being told in Born to the Blade. This third episode does indeed feature a baby shower that is political not friendly. Baby Shower focuses on character interaction and builds on the subtleties of episode two, Fault Lines.


Baby Shower is another enjoyable entry in the saga of Born to the Blade. Recommended.


Baby Shower deals with the fallout from Penelope’s revelation and Ojo’s seemingly until now unexplored feelings towards her. Kris continues to deepen ties with Quloo but advances no further upon their journey to become a warder. Michiko puts in brief appearances and is conflicted between duty to Mertika and her homeland of Kakute.

Ojo is square in this episode’s sights, and that’s wonderful. He continues to be the most interesting character, and his sense of loss at Penelope’s departure breaks the heart but doesn’t stop him from his duties. Hardly any action or magic appears here, but the interpersonal dynamics become increasingly clear. In particular, Lavinia’s cruelty is on display and makes her the Cruella De Vil of Born to the Blade. Except, you know, with a sword and much crueler. I loved the verbal fencing which she initiates.


Cassandra Khaw penned episode three, and it flows well with the other two in the series. If I were more familiar with each author’s work, maybe I could differentiate between each installment. But as of now, each episode maintains the same level of quality throughout. In this episode, the titular baby shower stood out. I liked the description of the…exhibits? Performance art? Whatever you want to call it, I thought it made a tense party much more interesting.


Episode three gives us more insight into the characters and hints at mysteries that will hopefully pop up soon. The episode advances Ojo’s plot while incrementally moving the others forward. I enjoyed the interaction between characters here and am ready for episode four. Baby Shower is another satisfying addition to the Born to the Blade serial.