A review by cathyatratedreads
The Beach Trap by Ali Brady


The Beach Trap is a sweet book about two women who have to deal with a lot of pain, betrayal, heartbreak, confusion and disappointment because of what their parents chose. And it takes them a while to work through those difficult, longstanding emotions to find the sweetness in the gift they have: each other. Romance for both is a nice part of the story, and so there’s plenty to love in the ways things get wrapped up by the end.
It’s fun that this book is titled as it is, with elements taken from “The Parent Trap.” Sisters who didn’t know the other existed meet at summer camp. In this case, they first become fast friends, and then they don’t stay in touch. And their late father brings them together years later.
Read my full review, including a rating for content, at RatedReads.com: https://ratedreads.com/the-beach-trap-family-chick-lit-romance-book/