A review by bbpettry
Foolkiller: Psycho Therapy by


Holy serendipity. I had no idea my favorite teenage angst lyricist wrote this until I finished it. It's a beautiful thing when you go "This was actually pretty entertaining, who tf wrote it???" and the answer is a groovy nostalgic bump like this.

Bemis is perfect for this character, and vice versa. He wrote songs that spoke to me as a kid going through really scary illness and treatment, made me laugh about it and allowed the cathartic release of singing to it in my car to the tune of off beat pop punk so popular with my peers at the time (I would not go on to remain a fan of the genre, but my heart still skips a beat when I see that Is a Real Boy font around.)

This comic as a first issue of a side character arc is interesting, it covers a sufficient mix of past and future plot and doesn't give me that "you are literally pouring it on so thick I can't breathe" feeling that Deadpool gives me sometimes.