A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
The Glass Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg


I just finished The Glass Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg. The Glass Magician picks up three months after The Paper Magician ended. Magician Emery Thane is healed from his attack by the Excisioner and back to teaching Ceony how to become a Folder. Emery and Ceony are also growing closer as they learn more about each other.

Then a magician comes after Ceony. He believes that Ceony knows a secret about magic. This secret that will change everything for magicians. This magician (he is bonded to glass) will do whatever it takes to find out what Ceony knows. Ceony must find a way to keep the people she cares about safe while getting rid of the rogue glass magician and his Excisioner partners.

This is a very enjoyable book. I like books that have no foul language and no graphic sex. This book could easily be read by a young adult. I love this author’s different take on magic. I look forward to the next book by Charlie N. Holmberg The Master Magician.