A review by nickn77
Seeress of Kell by David Eddings


The Seeress of Kell concludes Eddings' epic fantasy, The Malloreon. In the fifth book, the heroes are drawn to 'The Place that is no More' and Cyradis finally makes her choice that will determine the fate of the world. [return][return]The events that take place in the fifth book are quite predictable, but there was a sense of satisfaction in knowing that everything is as it should be. In this readers opinion, the Malloreon was probably about two books two long. The story wandered, there was a whole lot of walking and eventually I found myself screaming "Jesus Eddings will you let them get there already, haven't they suffered enough!!!" [return][return]I think this series would have been far more enjoyable had I taken a break after reading the Belgariad. The first series was too fresh in my mind and that only served to highlight the plot similarities between the two stories. My recommendation is to read this series, but take your time and let the story stray from your mind a bit before jumping directly to the next.