A review by danikreh
Run Time by Catherine Ryan Howard


"But I struggled to stay focused on it. After a certain point it had practically no dialogue, and the dense description felt like hard work to keep wading through page after page." -an actual quote from chapter 12. I'm not sure if this book is trying to be cheeky and self aware, but this quote pretty much sums up my reading experience. In a word- tedious. Note to authors, I do not need to know what your protagonist had for lunch. I do not need an entire paragraph describing in detail your MC's Irish breakfast, down to the smallest grilled tomato. Just don't need it. 

Why did this not pick up until 43% in? By the time it started to get interesting, it was too little too late. Even the unpredictable twists weren't enough to reignite my interest. I really liked 56 Days, but this one was a letdown.