A review by yche09
More Than Him by Jay McLean


I adore Logan.

God knows he's not the best hero. In fact, he's one of the imperfect ones, but I do. I adore him.

I guess I wouldn't be able to review MORE THAN HER. All of my focus is on this one that I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to say about the second book anymore.

Anyway, here goes nothing.

Needless to say, after that damning ending of the second book, I had to jump right away to this 3rd one. Thank you to those who sent me the whole series as gifts. You are all angels!!!

This book picks up where the second book left off. It talks about Logan leaving and Logan going to somewhere far, fark away where Amanda won't be able to reach him. I was pissed at first. I mean, no woman (even a fictional one) deserves to be left hanging. It was unfair and it was uncalled for. However, after I found out about the PTSD... I understood. I understood that it's bigger than him just leaving. It's bigger than him just forgetting about what happened. He was broken. He needed something. He needed to heal.

I felt so bad for Amanda. She was really hurting. She was trying to move on and then something happens that will remind her of Logan and then she would be back to square one. It's not easy to read about that. Her heartbreak is one of the most epic heartbreaks in fiction land. I'll never forget it. I understand every single feeling that she felt. Every frustration, every gut wrenching cry and every single sadness... I felt them for her. I even cried with her. As a reader, that's precious.

In these book, we follow their way to getting healed. Yes, both of them. They still go through a lot of drama and a lot of odd situations. What you should look forward to is how they handle it.


I swear you wouldn't want to put this book down.


He's something, I tell you.


You'd want to be her. Issues and all. I swear.

I know I always say that I read to be happy, but somewhere along the way, I forgot that to be genuinely happy, you have to understand the opposite feeling. That's what this book gave to me. I had to be unhappy, then happy again, then unhappy, then happy again for them so that I would totally appreciate their ending.

I love how it ended. I love these two. They would forever remain in my heart. :)

So that's it.


Oh! but read book 2 first! :)