A review by iamhume
Across the Universe by Beth Revis


This is a bit of a hard book to review. And it's because of how much I loved it.

Usually I don't care for constantly switching perspectives because I find it disrupts the flow of the book too much. This time? No frexing way. Yes, I did say frexing. Because that's a swear word in the book.

Where to start? How about with the dust jacket? OMG! What a fantastic idea to have an image of the ship attached to the inside. It really helped me understand the world Amy and Elder lived in.

I like science fiction books. I don't read much any more- I actually pretty much stopped after reading Animorph books like [b:Animorphs: Visser|343187|Animorphs Visser|Katherine Applegate|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1204049576s/343187.jpg|1141305] and [b:The Andalite Chronicles|363423|The Andalite Chronicles (Animorphs)|Katherine Applegate|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1174110282s/363423.jpg|2859410](and I had to look those title up because I forgot what they were called)- but I think after reading Across the Universe, I'm going to have to read a lot more science fiction. I watched Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, and Star Wars. Something about being aboard a space ship just amazes me. And space in general. I love the stars.

I'm not putting my love for this book into the right words. It. Was. Brilliant. The twist at the end was not what I expected and the romance was sweet and gradual. No insta-love (which I detest immensely), an original concept, and a sorta cliffhanger that didn't leave me wanting to strangle anyone.

And the cover... how can you top a cover like that? It was what made me want to read the first chapter. What a way to hook readers.

I need this button to describe the book:

I've gotten picky with 5 stars, but this one really deserves it. Beth Revis is a genius. I will be waiting too impatiently for [b:A Million Suns|10345927|A Million Suns (Across the Universe, #2)|Beth Revis|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1310149690s/10345927.jpg|15248718](another fantastic name) and will be pushing this book on anyone and everyone I can make read it.