A review by skita
Good or God?: Why Good Without God Isn't Enough by John Bevere


I’m currently in my second read through of this book. I first listened to it as an audiobook this spring. Now, I’m reading this book for a second time with a journal and a couple Bibles and with other Bible study resources handy so I can ponder the points at a deeper level than before.

Daily we are bombarded with what the world’s thoughts are on what is “good.” I soaked up the exhortation John gave with scriptural backing that encourages us to hold steady with going after God’s view of what is “good.”

John also makes sure to point out that it is imperative to still lovingly interact with others BUT without compromising our actively seeking to live a life full of what God calls “good”—sound hard to do?

It’s because it is—God never promised it would be easy but because it is so very hard I think that is what can make us different as Believers. It would leave a greater impact than if we were to “love” everyone yet have no convictions, standards, or boundaries.