A review by readbyashleyd
Apeshit by Carlton Mellick III


Before I even start my review, this book gets ALL the trigger warnings, from rape to abortion and everything in between. So be VERY aware of that before you even consider picking it up. I’m not someone who is easily disturbed, I have a very very dark and morbid sense of humour and this book managed to make me need to take a pause and a depth breath before being able to continue. It’s so far beyond disturbing at some places that I don’t even have the words to describe it. It is truly indescribable. I don’t know what it says about me that I enjoyed the fuck out of it despite being so disturbed by it. (I feel like I’m using disturbed too much but that’s just what this damn book is, DISTURBING!!!) Now that I’ve exhausted the use of the word disturbing, let’s move on. This was quite different than the other Mellick’s I’ve read so far, they’ve all been weird as fuck but this one had more of a serious bent to it whereas the others had a humorous side to them. This one was just weird and gory as fuck with no humour, just insanity. My only complaint is the ending, I thought it stretched things too far and didn’t feel right for the story. I would have preferred it ended in a different way, the way it seemed to be going right up until the last pages but you can’t always have your cake and eat it too.